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作者: admin 瀏覽次數(shù):2292 來源: 美達斯機械 發(fā)布日期:2017-11-28 15:23:35

重慶升降平臺以安全、高效等優(yōu)點在高空作業(yè)領(lǐng)域獨占鰲頭,受到客戶的一致好評,新春剛過,又到了重慶升降臺市場火爆的階段,在選購時不要著急,考慮周全后在進行選購。Shanghai lifts to advantages such as safety and efficiency in high altitude operation field champion, by the praise of customers, but also to the Spring Festival, Shanghai elevator market hot stage, don't worry at the time of purchase, thoughtful after purchase.

1.使用要求。重慶升降平臺在室內(nèi)外各種環(huán)境條件下使用。它可根據(jù)使用要求,在封閉的井道內(nèi)或暢開的樓層間;在凹形基坑內(nèi)或平實的地面上。Use requirements. Shanghai lifting platform in indoor and outdoor environment. It can be used according to the requirements, in the closed wells or open floors; in the concave pit or flat ground.

2.使用方案。由于重慶升降平臺受建筑物或工作擱層的高度,所載物體的大小、重量及其它使用要求的影響,其型號有很多不確定因素。當列表所示型號不適合使用要求時,可根據(jù)實際使用環(huán)境和操作要求,對的升高、承載量、平臺面積等進行組合,以便取得理想的使用效果。Use scheme. Because of the height of the lifting platform in Shanghai or the height of the working layer, the size of the object, the weight and other requirements, the model has many uncertain factors. When the list shows that the model is not suitable for the use of requirements, according to the actual use of the environment and operating requirements, on the rise, carrying capacity, platform area, such as the combination, in order to achieve the desired results.

3.使用配置。選擇不同的重慶升降平臺配置,可取得不同的使用效果??蛻舾鶕?jù)周圍環(huán)境,結(jié)合自身使用要求,選擇適當?shù)呐渲?,可取得更好的使用效果。Use configuration. Choose different Shanghai lifting platform configuration, can achieve different use effect. Customers according to the surrounding environment, combined with their own use requirements, select the appropriate configuration, can achieve better results.

4.使用頻率。在選購重慶升降機時,廠家問及到使用頻率時,一定要如實回答,不可隱瞞事實,這樣在制造時,對設備進行特殊處理,以免在頻繁使用下,造成設備損壞。Use frequency. In the purchase of Shanghai elevator manufacturers, asked the frequency of use, must answer truthfully, do not hide the fact that at the time of manufacture, special handling equipment, in order to avoid frequent use, causing damage to the equipment.

5.使用場合。在某些場合,例如會議室、展廳等,需要重慶升降平臺噪音較小的地方,應當考慮使用進口泵站,這樣就會減少噪音污染,減少后顧之憂。Use occasion. In some occasions, such as conference rooms, exhibition halls, the need to reduce the noise of the Shanghai platform, we should consider the use of imported pumping stations, which will reduce noise pollution, reduce worries.

6.使用環(huán)境。有時是在沒有外接電源的室外使用,這樣可以考慮電瓶或柴油機作為動力,持續(xù)在氣溫較低的環(huán)境下使用時可以考慮使用電瓶,因為溫度較低時重慶升降機不容易驅(qū)動。Use environment. Is sometimes used in the absence of an external power supply outside, so you can consider a battery or a diesel engine as power, continue to consider using battery used in low temperature environment, because the Shanghai elevator is not easy to drive at low temperature.

7.是否環(huán)保。如上所說,重慶升降平臺會對作業(yè)場所有所污染,因此客戶應當考慮周全。Whether environmental protection. As mentioned above, Shanghai lift platform will be contaminated on the workplace, so customers should be considered comprehensive.

